Information about the A11y-AI project


A11y-AI merges the world of AI and storytelling to make web accessibility more understandable and relatable. It’s an empathy experiment utilising generative AI to transform technical reports into empathy-building experiences.

Advancing Web Accessibility and Empathy through A11y-AI

A web for everyone

We aim to raise awareness so that the internet can become more accessible and thus more user-friendly. A11y-AI gives an insight into the reality of people's lives and helps you understand their challenges. Although they are synthetic characters, they represent many people who feel the same way.

Empathy for change

We believe you need the right amount of empathy to bring about positive change. Our goal is to uncover the technical accessibility status quo of every website imaginable, and translate it into empathy-building experiences – weaving in as many needs and perspectives as possible.

Experiments for inclusivity

We believe AI has a huge potential to make the web more accessible. To showcase our enthusiasm, we started this experiment: A11y-AI.

As it is an experiment, the results will not always make sense. It might make mistakes, but we’re learning and optimising as we go. We are learning by doing, and always open for feedback.

How To

  1. Input URL
    Simply input the URL of any website you want to evaluate.
  2. Generate your report
    And get to know our personas in a short introduction video while A11y-AI analyses your chosen website.
  3. Enter the World of Accessibility
    Dive into a personalised narrative report crafted by a fictional persona with specific disabilities.

Accessibility at Denkwerk

In 2025 the European Accessibility Act will come into force. For many of us, 2025 may still seem a long way off. But the time to address the issue of accessibility is now.

At denkwerk, many of our client projects have already been made accessible. Depending on the prerequisites, general conditions, and other project conditions, analysing and ensuring accessibility is not possible in the blink of an eye. Find out more about how we tackle accessibility challenges.


denkwerk is committed to providing digital solutions that are accessible to everyone. We take the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 into account.

Given the experimental nature of this website, accessibility issues might occur. It might not be perfect, but we’re eager to learn. We would like to hear from you if you encounter any accessibility problems on our website. Please write us at

Let's Connect

If you want to learn more about our expertise in the field of accessibility and artificial intelligence, or see what we could do for your brand, please get in touch with